Books Four and Five–The Angel of Mons

Dear Readers:

The past two weeks I have presented the topics of the first three books of the novel. Here are the final two. I will continue to write about the novel, and will begin to introduce the next novel I am planning. But more next week.

I am planning to go to Mons for the dedication of a new Mons Memorial Museum. The events will be held on April 4 and 5. I will be meeting with some officials of the city for visits, dinners, tours, and presentations while I am there. These are people I have gotten to know since my first visit in 2008. Anyone wanting to know more? I will post some links in the next few weeks. If you don’t go with me, you will at least get a taste of what is happening.

Now for the rest of the Table of Contents:

As you can see, the setting has moved from Mons, Belgium and Le Cateau, France to London, England. The final book is in Mons again, now, on the day of the Armistice, November 11, 1918. The Angel Of Mons



Chapter Thirteen: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Captain Leckie’s

Letter from beyond the Grave                                Page 159

Uncertainty Lay Heavy upon the Heart – Lily Loder-Symmons and Automatic Writing – Captain Leckie’s Handwriting – A Test – The Answer – In the Library

Chapter Fourteen: W. B. Yeats, Arthur Machen’s “The Bowmen”,
and the Battle of Le Cateau          Page 174

A Heavenly Army Arose to Save Them – Yeats in Mackerson’s Pub – Yeats, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Angels of the Dark Cloud – Africanus Comes to his Aid – Arthur Machen’s “The Bowmen”

Chapter Fifteen: Yeats Meets Conan Doyle                                                     Page 192

Yeats Worried – A Page Torn from a Doctor’s Prescription Pad

Chapter Sixteen: The Angel of Mons,Winston Churchill
And his Aunt, Lady Janey Campbell       Page 196

Lady Campbell’s Note – Tea – On the Way back to his Office

Chapter Seventeen: First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill Meets
with Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes  Page 204

Churchill has Much to Tell Doyle and Holmes – Assignments – A Private Matter – Holmes and Churchill Alone – Word of the Angels will Spread – Ready to Depart



Chapter Eighteen: Tommy Atkins: Angel of Memory, Grief, and Tears   Page 217

Before All the Falderal – In the Nuns’ Woods North – Quiet as a Sunday Morn – Not the Last of the Ruffians and Victors – Marching Northwest into Belgium – Tommy Atkins, His Ascension – Tommy Atkins: Angel of Grief, Memory, and Tears – Dear Reader




Let me know what this all brings to mind for you.





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