Two More Representations of the Angel of Mons

There were many representations of the Angel of Mons. Some were to capitalize on the interest in the account of angelic intervention. In any case, each reinforced the belief that, indeed, St. George and other angels served the British. This also supported the hope and conviction that in the end the British, French, Russians, and Italians would defeat the Germans and their allies. I have seen an actual copy of the Paul Pardee sheet music. However, it was framed and behind glass at the Military Museum in Perrone, France. Its being a waltz, I doubt that it had lyrics. The cover to the other piece portrays the angel as a woman. I have not discovered any poems about the Angel of Mons. If you find any, please let me know. Also, please share my blogs with your friends.

Angel of Mons Valse-Cover Art
Angel of Mons Valse-Cover Art


Sheet Music Cover The Angel of Mons
Sheet Music Cover
The Angel of Mons

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